The Lord of the Rings

A few days ago the gymnastic rings I bought from abroad finally arrived! Preparing for its arrival, I was trying to install a proper pull up bar on the rooftop of my parents' house to fix the rings on them. For whatever reason, mounting a pull up bar onto a wall has been very frustrating. It's been literally two weeks where almost every morning I and my brother Amir worked on installing it, but something gets in the way - the hole is too wide, or we don't find the proper tools, or the nails break, etc. It was a never ending frustration.

Not anymore. I realized this morning that I actually don't need a pull up bar at all to set up my rings. I can just hang it directly from the roof support.

This is the first time I work with gymnastic rings, and I am very excited to be using them. Rings are like a full-on gym. I can use it for pull ups, chin ups, dips, push ups, L-hangs, and everything in between, and it's super light and easy to pack when I'm on the go.

I played around very briefly with the new rings today. I'm still a novice as you can see, and my form wasn't the cleanest, especially with dips since they require more balance on the rings than I had expected. Lots of practice ahead! The journey to be the "lord of the rings" will be starting 🙂

On a completely different note, today I had a nice lunch with my brother and my uncle.

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